Designer | Researcher | Educator | Thinker | Artist
Earth's most recent geologic time period that is human-influenced, or anthropogenic. An overwhelming amount of global evidence that suggests that atmospheric, geologic, hydrologic, biospheric and other earth systems are now altered by humans.

Activating Public Space

Barcelona over a period of time has seen an escalation in the rate of air pollution. Therefore this project aims to revitalize the Superilla neighborhood, a nine block radius with restricted vehicular access in attempts to engage green strategies and remediate the air pollution. Metabolic Modules are the new urban intervention in the city that manifest as a series of modular garden installations. Their primary function is to remediate CO2 emissions as well as the micro-climate of the Superilla in a passive manner with the help of human interaction, to create a better living environment. Prototyping methodologies in fabrication, Arduino sensors, coding, and smart materials are used as strategies to test and gather live data and statistics right on site.